Greetings! I am an author of 15 books in the fields of fantasy and science fiction, poetry, literary biography and baseball history. I have been involved in the Madison and Wisconsin literary scene for more than 30 years. I can also be found on Facebook. NOTE/UPDATE: White Hawk Press is closed to all submissions and will be closing permanently. As a result (and to reduce inventory as much as possible), I am selling ALL my books (except Love Affairs At The Villa Nelle and One Hundred Breaths), trade paperback and hardcover, for just $5.00 each, All checks are payable to James P. Roberts and can be sent to the address above: 324 Kedzie Street, Apt. #30, Madison, WI 53704 or they can be ordered through PayPal at
I am now offering my services as a public speaker through Northey Street Productions. I can present an entertaining and informative program at very reasonable rates in an informal setting on the following subjects:
1) Masters of the Ghost Story: from Hamlet to M.R. James, Russell Kirk to Henry James and many more! A spooky tour through the supernatural!
2) Baseball In Fantasy & Science Fiction: takes up where Field of Dreams left off! Frankenstein plays first base for a minor league team in the Carolinas; an interplanetary version of "Casey At The Bat" featuring extra-terrestrial teddy-bears; a baseball board game that plays out in real-life and many more examples of the hold the National Pastime has on our lives and imaginations!
3) Modern Wisconsin Authors of Fantasy and Science Fiction: Although Wisconsin has long held a tradition of producing writers of science fiction and fantasy (August Derleth, Robert Bloch, Clifford Simak), there are several new names who have written significant works in recent years. This talk will focus on Alex Bledsoe, Patrick Rothfuss, Sarah Monette (Katharine Addison), Melissa Olson, and Bradley Beaulieu as rising stars to look for.
4) Mapping Your Own Little Free Library Bicycle Tour: In 2013 I was interviewed and filmed by Wisconsin Public Television's program "Wisconsin Life" on the phenomena of the Little Free Library movement. I had created a map of all the Little Free Library locations in Madison, Wisconsin and devised a series of "bicycle tour" maps. In this presentation, I will give a history of the original Traveling Libraries of the early 20th century and show how to create your own Little Free Library tour in your area.
5) Authors Who Played Baseball: Several of America's most well-known and beloved authors also took their own fling at playing the National Pastime. In this lively presentation, I explore the actions and antics of five of these: Walt Whitman, Stephen Crane, Zane Grey, Hamlin Garland, and Mark Twain!
6) Louis L'Amour in the Movies: A look at the books by Western author Louis L'Amour that were made into films. Covers not only the classic films such as The Sacketts, The Shadow Riders, Hondo, Heller In Pink Tights, and How The West Was Won, but also rare films such as East of Sumatra, Black Jack Ketchum, Guns of the Timberlands and many more.
Please contact me through e-mail at
the following books are for sale:
BOURLAND: A NOVEL OF DARK FANTASY -- $5.00 paperback/ $5.00 hardcover. Eight young children are on a playground. One of them vanishes, never to be seen again. Years later, the other seven have nightmarish dreams that suggest their friend is still alive, but trapped in another world: Bourland. A world ruled by a mad king who controls their minds. They must band together to save their friend...and themselves! Published by The Other Door Press.
DARKLING I LISTEN, AND FOR MANY A TIME . . . AND OTHER IMAGINATIONS -- $5.00 paperback/ $5.00 hardcover. A collection of science fiction and fantasy tales. A dying man and woman hold the future of their world in their hands; a man has terrifying dreams that come true; a radio plays baseball games from the past, present, and future; a traveller meets a strange young woman on a rainy night. These and many more excursions into the dimension of the imagination. Published by The Other Door Press.
FAMOUS WISCONSIN AUTHORS -- $5.00 paperback. (while supplies last) Biographical surveys of 35 Wisconsin authors. Aldo Leopold, August Derleth, Edna Ferber, Zona Gale, Peter Straub, Robert Bloch, Kristine Kathryn Rusch and many more! Published by Badger Books.
SPIRIT FIRE -- Poetry -- $5.00 hardcover/$5.00 paperback. Poems divided into four sections: The Land of Shadows, poetic investigations into the macabre and fantastic; Songs of Nature, details of a life lived "quietly and with deliberation"; Human Mysteries, those moments when human interaction travels beyond the boundaries that we know; and Places, those special settings which are memorable in both their familiarity and their strangeness. Published by Hawk & Whippoorwill Press.

DANCING WITH POLTERGEISTS: Poetry -- SOLD OUT! "A substantial sampling of precious souvenirs... and a fine way to acquaint yourself with his ghost-lighted, slightly surreal, and impeccable vision" -- Richard Chwedyk, Nebula Award-winning author of "Bronte's Egg". "A real winner on my library shelf!" -- Ron Wallace, Posner Award-winning author of Long Of This World. Published by Popcorn Press.
HOWLIN' WOLF!: A FAN'S HISTORY OF THE HIGHS AND LOWS DURING FIVE STORMY YEARS WITH THE MADISON BLACK WOLF: Baseball History -- $5.00 oversize paperback. A hilarious and thought- provoking account of a fan's love affair with a Northern League baseball team and the oddball characters that it spawned: from rabbit-chasing outfielders to beer break-ins, baseball's first woman pitcher (Ila Borders) to Darryl Strawberry and J.D. Drew. HOWLIN' WOLF! puts you in the best seat in the stadium! Published by White Hawk Press.
DERNE RUNES: --- Poetry -- $5.00 paperback. A collection of early poetry published in various magazines from 1980 to 1995. A potpourri of subjects and styles: baseball and ghost towns, science and nature, history and visions of the future. Published by White Hawk Press.
A DEMON IN MY VIEW -- Poetry -- $5.00 paperback. Here Be Monsters! And not all of them this collection of poetry James P. Roberts explores the ways we reveal our darker sides. Taking the reader through memories of the past and portents of the future, sometimes whimsical, sometimes brutally honest, Roberts' stark portraits are raw comments on a society at once turbulent and promising. Cover art by Valentine Moran. Published by Pickle Barrel Press. Also available as an e-book on Amazon Kindle.
NEW! SONNETS TO MAKE YOU SMILE! -- Poetry -- $5.00 paperback. James P. Roberts (writing as Humbert Dilly) presents a sequential series of sublimely stellar sonnets sure to make you smile and laugh! From Crazy Uncle Fred to the wonderful Sleepy Time Bill, from ferocious roosters to peaceful hippies, Dilly shares his off-beat sense of the world that we live in. "We're willy-nilly for Dilly" says the Daily News. "Our favorite poet!" -- Lem and Stu.
LOVE AFFAIRS AT THE VILLA NELLE -- Poetry -- $14.00 Trade Paperback. Co-edited by Marilyn L. Taylor and James P. Roberts, this lovely anthology of 60 villanelle poems from such well-known poets as Barbara Crooker, Bruce Bennett, Moira Egan, Claudia Gray and Paul Hostovsky features subjects as diverse as tango lessons, robot cyborgs and super moons. Published by Kelsay Books.
NEW! ONE HUNDRED BREATHS -- POETRY -- $17.00 -- Trade Paperback. Winner of the 2020 Portage Press Poetry Book Prize! A collection of poems about the different ways we breathe and the sometimes unexpected results we achieve. Broken into four sections -- Whispers, Cries, Shouts, Laments -- these poems are an unwavering look at life and love, joys and sorrows, belief and doubt. "A stunning collection on many levels" -- Marilyn L. Taylor, former Wisconsin Poet Laureate. "This wonderful book is indeed a breath of fresh air" -- Ron Wallace, author of Not Long For This World.
HAUNTED VOICES: SELECTED POETRY/ART FROM LITUANUS, -- Poetry -- $5.00 paperback. Selected by James P. Roberts. An anthology of poetry and art from the Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Haunting poetry and evocative artwork from Jonas Zdanys, Tomas Venclova, Janina Degutyte, Egle Juodvalke, Lidija Simkute-Pocius and many more.
DARK IOWA, BRIGHT IOWA -- $5.00 paperback. Edited by James P. Roberts. An anthology of science fiction, fantasy and horror stories -- all set in Iowa. David Hoing, Kathleen Jurgens, Peter Crowther, John Grey, Mark Rich and Tippi Blevins and many others share their visions of the past, present and future of Iowa -- The Land Between Two Rivers.
Also available on PAYPAL at JROB52162@AOL.COM.